Essential Supplies for Your Emergency Survival Kit

Up-to-Date Earthquake Kit Will Increase Your Survival Chances (Infographic)  - San Francisco Public PressEmergencies can happen anywhere, at any time. Whether it’s a natural disaster or a man-made one, having a plan in place and the right items on hand can make all the difference when it comes to staying safe and secure. This article will discuss how to stock your survival kit with essential items that will keep you safe and secure in the face of any emergency. The first step to stocking your survival kit is to determine what type of emergency you are most likely to be facing. This could be anything from a tornado warning to an active shooter situation. Once you know this information, you can start building your list of necessary supplies. For starters, you should always have enough food, water, and medical supplies on hand for every member of your family for at least three days. Canned food such as tuna or baked beans is lightweight, non-perishable, and easy to store in bulk. You should also have a few bottles of water stored away as well as essentials such as bandages, ointments, gauze pads, etc., just in case someone gets injured or sick during the emergency situation. You should also include basic tools such as flashlights (with extra batteries) and multi-purpose tools like knives or hatchets that can be used for cutting through obstacles or gathering firewood if needed. If you live out in the country where there is no electricity grid available, consider purchasing some solar panels so that you can still generate power when needed. Additionally, it’s always helpful to have some form of communication device like a walkie talkie set or two-way radio so that you can stay connected with others if needed during an emergency situation. Finally, make sure that all of your important documents are kept safe—this includes birth certificates, passports, driver’s licenses etc.—as well as cash money which could come in handy if banks are closed due to an emergency situation or power outage. It might also be beneficial to invest in some sort of self defense weapon such as pepper spray or a taser gun just in case things take a turn for the worse during an emergency situation. Stocking your Survival Kit Once you have identified the items needed for your survival kit, it is time to start stocking it! Start by gathering or purchasing the items listed above and store them in a waterproof container such as a large duffle bag or backpack. This will ensure that all of your supplies remain safe from water damage if needed. Be sure to check expiration dates on any food or medical supplies periodically so that they can be replaced as needed. Additionally, it is important to regularly update contact information in your communication plan if needed so that everyone stays connected during an emergency situation. Stocking up on essential items ahead of time is key when it comes to staying safe and secure during any kind of emergency situation —natural disasters or otherwise. From canned food and bottled water to basic tools like flashlights and communication devices like walkie talkies sets; having these items on hand will ensure that you’re prepared for whatever life throws at you!
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